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Resources mirroring

You can contact me if you are interested in my possible mirroring help. Some collections are recompressed with Zstandard algorithm, because it offers comparable compression level to xz but with extreme decompression speed.

WWWWBrowsable with ordinary web-browser.
TTLSSecured version of WWW, WebDAV or Git available.
DWebDAVWebDAV-capable client can be used for easy mirroring.
Rrsync--checksum and --compress options are not accepted. There is also TLS-secured version running on default rsync-ssl 874 TCP port.
GGitPlain and HTTP/HTTPS reachable repositories.
YYggdrasilYggdrasil overlay network reachable.
CPANweekly30 GiBD W YW T R YR
CTANweekly28 GiBD W YW T R YRProprietary OSes are excluded
CRANweekly122 GiBD W YW T R YRbin/ is excluded
Various git repositoriesweeklyG W YW T
OS distributionsD W YW T
DatabasesD W YW T
Historical source and several other repositoriesG W YW T
PodcastsD W YW T R YR
MagazinesD W YW T R YR
IFweekly92 GiBD W YW T R YR
FreeBSD mailing list archiveweekly4 GiBR YR
Z shell mailing list archiveweekly0.6 GiBR YR
Cryptology ePrint Archivemonthly28 GiBD W YW T R YR
ETSI standardsmonthly67 GiBD W YW T R YR
Модель для сборки2022-04-2735 GiBD W YW T R YR
The IRTC Archive8.2 GiBD W YW T R YR
The Unix Heritage Society and UTZOO Wiseman Usenet archiveweekly10 GiBD W YW T R YR
textfiles.com2024-02-24250 GiBD W YW T R YR
Survivor library, The Appropriate Technology Library, survival.com2020-03237 GiBD W YW T R YR
ftp.scene.orgmonthly2.42 TiBD W YW T R YR
16colo.rsmonthly28 GiBD W YW T R YR
Bitsaversmonthly871 GiBD W YW T R YR
Games collections3.7 TiBD W YW T R YR
Электронная библиотека NoZDR2024-03-092.54 TiBD W YW T R YR
*, hyperelliptic.org2022-07-1212 GB
Союзмультфильм cartoons2018258 GB (multiki, filmiki, film)2018-03-318344 GB collection2018-10-06404 GiB
www.buran.ru2017-0716 GiB
Информационная система Ёшкин кот2024-06-01~1 TiB

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