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Contact information

Email is still is the only most convenient and available communication tool in general case. Instant messaging could be more anonymous and secure (especially with perfect forward secrecy property) – in practice it is very inconvenient and uncomfortable to use, with few choices of the clients/servers.

You won’t find me in so called social networks!

You can contact me using stargrave at stargrave dot org address. Encrypted and authenticated messages are highly preferable! My public LibrePGP key can be found here. Take into account what issues can arise with several popular email provider.

Occasionally I am online on OFTC, RusNet, Libera Chat, HackInt, Snoonet IRC networks under stargrave nickname.

I run NNCP network nodes, so probably we can communicate through it, also for mirroring purposes.

You can send me big files with that form, as email does not allow big files convenient and effective transmission.