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0Adventure Gamerfeed
1Andrew Plotkin’s blogIT, Personalfeed
2CD-ROM JournalOldiesfeed
3Eaten By A Grue the Infocom podcastPodcastfeed
4Emily Short’s Interactive StorytellingSTATIC
6Gaming After 40feed
7Hardcore Gaming 101STATIC
8History of computer entertainment and digital culture by Jimmy Maherfeed
9IFTF’s blogfeed
10Interactive Fiction Archivefeed
11Interactive fiction databaseSTATIC
12NetHack 4 blogITSTATIC
13NetHack wikia downloadFilesharingSTATIC
15Nicole Express’es blogfeed
16Obsessively complete Infocom catalogSTATIC
17Old-Games.RUOldies, Podcast, Russian, Vlogfeed0 feed1 feed2 feed3 feed4
18Old-HardOldies, Russianfeed
19Renga in Blue (Interactive fiction and the All the Adventures project)Personalfeed
20Retro Game Mechanics ExplainedVlogfeed
21RetroAhoy playlistVlogSTATIC
22RetroPie (Retro-gaming on the Raspberry Pi)STATIC
23Ron Gilbert’s blogfeed
24ScummVM Ultimate Russian CollectionFilesharing, RussianSTATIC
25ScummVM newsfeed
26Society for the Promotion of Adventure GamesSTATIC
27Titans of Text (Titans from the text gaming community)PodcastSTATIC
28Total DOS Collection #22FilesharingSTATIC
29Whole IF archiveFilesharingSTATIC
30Zork librarySTATIC
31eXo Apple II GSFilesharingSTATIC
32eXo WikiFilesharingSTATIC
38my.abandonware.ruFilesharing, RussianSTATIC сборник переводовFilesharingSTATIC
40Книги кодов и описаний игр (Sega, Dendy (NES), PlayStation, Panasonic 3DO, IBM PC, ZX Spectrum, ...)FilesharingSTATIC
41Новая реальность – информационный игровой порталfeed
42Сообщество любителей интерактивной литературыRussianfeed
43Шоу "16-бит тому назад"Oldies, Podcast, Russian, VlogSTATIC

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