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Software written by me

Some software is not used and developed by me now, probably because it reached all the goals (finished), probably because I do not use Python anymore, etc.

NameIn useLanguageDescription
KEKS/CMYesC/GoHigh performance secure cryptographic messages format
KEKSYesC/Go/Python/TclCompact, deterministic, concise and streaming binary serialisation format
detpaxYesGoDeterministic pax-format archiver
BASSYesmostly shCross-platform package manager and distributed continuous integration
VoRSYesGoVery simple and usable multi-user VoIP solution
udpobfsYesGoSimple point-to-point UDP obfuscation proxy
mmcYesGo/shMattermost client
btrtrcYesGoBetter BitTorrent client, based on library
dht-bootstrapYesCFork of DHT bootstrap daemon with various improvements
glocateYesGoZFS’es zfs diff friendly locate
feederYesGo/zsh/shNewsfeeds aggregator
godlightyYesGoHighly-customizable HTTP, HTTP/2, HTTPS server
meta4raYesGoUtility for creating and checking of Metalink 4.0 files
tofuproxyYesGo/Tk/CFlexible HTTP proxy, TLS terminator, X.509 certificates manager, WARC/Gemini browser
goredoYesGoBest redo implementation
Go GOST TLS 1.3YesGoGo with GOST TLS 1.3 support
SGBlogYesGoGit-based CGI/UCSPI blogging/phlogging/gemlogging engine, that powers
gostipsecNoGoESPv3/IKEv2 implementation with AES-GCM/curve25519 and GOST cryptography support
GoCheeseYesGoPython private package repository and caching proxy
PyDERASNYesPythonASN.1 DER/CER/BER library. #2020610831 registration in Russia
NNCPYesGoCollection of utilities simplifying secure store-and-forward files and mail exchanging
GoGOSTYesGoGOST cryptographic functions library. #2020610704 registration in Russia
PyGOSTYesPythonGOST cryptographic functions library. #2020610895 registration in Russia
goircdSeldomGoMinimalistic simple IRC server. Fastest way to setup single IRC server
GoVPNNoGoSimple free software virtual private network daemon, aimed to be reviewable, secure, DPI/censorship-resistant. I use IPsec now, also look at WireGuard

More utilitary projects:

NameIn useLanguageDescription
zwsYeszshWeb-server with directory listing and MIME support
schwabrakYeszshSimple flat file based issue tracker
preproYesGo/zshPrepare GOPROXY and go-import friendly website
dmonYesDTrace/PerlDTrace-backed IP network real-time monitoring utility
zdnsYesTclDNS zones creator
galgenYeszshStatic images gallery generator
zk.zshYeszshZettelkästen/wiki/static website helper/generator
sgmonYesshSimple stargrave’s monitoring system
zeasypkiYeszshEasy PKI with ECDSA, EdDSA and GOST certificates support related utilities: tlsc, tlss, proxy
pasterYesGoPaste service daemon. Use it personally for text and image pastes
mlmmj-listtextsYesRussianRussian translation for mlmmj maillist manager
linksexpYesGoTexinfo/XBEL/OPML/urls autogeneration from recfile bookmark library recutils’es recfile parser/writer
uploaderYesGoSimplest HTTP form file uploader. Huge files are sent to me by various people with it password hashing library. It is used in all my projects where password hashing is involved
nose_gnuerrorformatYesPythonNose plugin that adds GNU errorformat-compatible tracebacks format serialization library
passmanYesshSimple password manager. Use it everyday for all passwords management
tYeszsh/shSimple notes manager. Use it all the time, everyday, probably most often used utility
tornYeszsh/PerlMusical files renaming with russian language transliteration
codecommSeldomVim scriptCode comments preparation helper
sgodupNoGoHigh-performance file deduplication utility
randomartNoPythonDrunken-bishop algorithm for visualizing random art of the digest
vimslidesNoVim scriptPresentation inside Vim. Well, I have not given any presentation for a long time, but used that utility twice
pyimportcanNoPerlPython imports canonical format filter. Ultimate utility for making single-line imports in Python
pyssssNoPythonShamir’s secret sharing scheme implementation

I have participated in several free software projects, but they seems to be dead nowadays:


hardware testing and certification system, suitable for both enterprise and home use


free software project implementing Storage Area Network


AJAX web-based hardware configurator

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