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Other categoriesFeed URLs
0A Blog about Security and Cryptographyfeed
1Bulletproof TLS NewsletterITfeed
2Choosing safe curves for elliptic-curve cryptographySTATIC
3Comprehensive Body of KnowledgeSTATIC
4Crypto discussion listMaillistSTATIC
5Crypto forum research groupMaillistSTATIC
6Cryptography and Cryptography Policy Mailing ListMaillistSTATIC
7Cryptologie blog (David Wong’s blog)feed
8Cryptology ePrint archiveSTATIC
9Diceware Passphrase FAQITSTATIC
10Diceware Passphrase Home PageITSTATIC
11Discussion of elliptic curve cryptographyMaillistSTATIC
12Discussion of secure messaging protocolsMaillistSTATIC
13Few thoughts of cryptographic engineering (Matthew Green’s blog)feed
14Filippo Valsorda’s blogITfeed
15Gentle introduction to elliptic-curve cryptographySTATIC
16ImperialViolet (Adam Langley’s blog)IT, Personalfeed
17Journal of CraptologySTATIC
18Neil Madden’s blogfeed
19Noise protocol discussiogMaillistSTATIC
21OpenPGP for application developersSTATIC
22PCG, A Family of Better Random Number Generators blogSTATIC
23Post-quantum cryptographySTATIC
24Quarkslab’s blogfeed
25Schneier on securityfeed
26Signal blogfeed
27Timing attacksSTATIC
28Web-based cryptography is always snake oilITSTATIC
29What is wrong with Web cryptoITSTATIC (D. J. Bernstein’s blog)IT, Personalfeed
31Введение в криптографию за два часаSTATIC

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